
The Keeper's Hive Beginner Beehive Bee Products Propolis Honey Comb Honey beeswax royal jelly

How To Make Bee Products With The Keeper's Hive

Beekeeping with The Keeper's Hive can be incredibly enjoyable. With minimal lifting required for routine hive management, you still enjoy all the benefits of a traditional vertically-oriented Langstroth hive. Harvesting the...

How To Make Bee Products With The Keeper's Hive

Beekeeping with The Keeper's Hive can be incredibly enjoyable. With minimal lifting required for routine hive management, you still enjoy all the benefits of a traditional vertically-oriented Langstroth hive. Harvesting the...

How To Make A Queen Bee Honey Bee Raising Queens Queenright Queenless Starter Finisher Grafting

How To Make Queen Bees Using The Keeper's Hive

Making Queens: The Basics In nature, honey bee colonies create new queens under three circumstances: In preparation to swarm In preparation to supersede the queen In an emergency due to...

How To Make Queen Bees Using The Keeper's Hive

Making Queens: The Basics In nature, honey bee colonies create new queens under three circumstances: In preparation to swarm In preparation to supersede the queen In an emergency due to...

Making Splits with the One Queen Keeper and a Double Screen Board

Making Splits with the One Queen Keeper and a D...

Making splits is an important skill to master when establishing a sustainable apiary. Splits can develop into new colonies to offset winter losses, serve as resource hives for extra brood,...

Making Splits with the One Queen Keeper and a D...

Making splits is an important skill to master when establishing a sustainable apiary. Splits can develop into new colonies to offset winter losses, serve as resource hives for extra brood,...

Winter Beehive Insulation Overwintering Emergency Feed Single Brood Chamber Management Honey Mite Control

Two Winter Configurations For The One Queen Keeper

As winter approaches, it's essential to consider your hive's configuration for the cold months ahead. Here are two possible setups for the One Queen Keeper: Brood Box, Queen Excluder, Empty...

Two Winter Configurations For The One Queen Keeper

As winter approaches, it's essential to consider your hive's configuration for the cold months ahead. Here are two possible setups for the One Queen Keeper: Brood Box, Queen Excluder, Empty...

The Keeper's Hive Product Testing Testimonial Review Field Test Beehive Colony Size Winter Honey Demaree Method Swarm Control

The Evolution of The Keeper's Hive

It all began with Nat's innovative idea: hang the frames outside the box rather than inside it! While the core idea remains the same, we've made numerous refinements over the past...

The Evolution of The Keeper's Hive

It all began with Nat's innovative idea: hang the frames outside the box rather than inside it! While the core idea remains the same, we've made numerous refinements over the past...

Winter Beehive Insulation Overwintering Single Brood Chamber Colony Cluster

A Word About Hive Insulation

Honey bees are natural inhabitants of tree cavities, which offer superior insulation compared to standard beehive boxes. Tree cavities have an estimated R-value of around 6, while typical bee boxes...

A Word About Hive Insulation

Honey bees are natural inhabitants of tree cavities, which offer superior insulation compared to standard beehive boxes. Tree cavities have an estimated R-value of around 6, while typical bee boxes...

Beekeeping Hive Records The Keeper's Hive Beehive Notes Field Testing Mite Count Brood Inspection

The Benefits of Keeping Hive Records

Why Keep Hive Records? Recording your beekeeping journey serves multiple purposes, aiding both your memory of what actions were taken with specific hives and knowledge about how those actions played...

The Benefits of Keeping Hive Records

Why Keep Hive Records? Recording your beekeeping journey serves multiple purposes, aiding both your memory of what actions were taken with specific hives and knowledge about how those actions played...

The Keeper's Hive One Queen Keeper Two Queen Beehive Testing Review Case Study Testimonial

Testing The Keeper's Hive: A Journey of Improve...

From the very beginning, we have strived to make our beehives better every single year. We followed the "PDSA" cycle on an annual basis: Plan, Do, Study, Act. Below is...

Testing The Keeper's Hive: A Journey of Improve...

From the very beginning, we have strived to make our beehives better every single year. We followed the "PDSA" cycle on an annual basis: Plan, Do, Study, Act. Below is...

The Keeper's Hive One Queen Keeper Honeybee Honey Brood Chamber Nuc Box Super

Understanding Hive Zones and Their Significance

Understanding Hive Zones and Their Significance Within a beehive, there are three distinct zones, each with its unique purpose and role in the colony's functioning: 1. Brood Chamber: This is...

Understanding Hive Zones and Their Significance

Understanding Hive Zones and Their Significance Within a beehive, there are three distinct zones, each with its unique purpose and role in the colony's functioning: 1. Brood Chamber: This is...

The Keeper's Hive Observation Window Brood Chamber Colony Size No Lifting

Why We Love The Observation Window on The Keepe...

Enhancing Your Beekeeping Skills through Observation Observation is a crucial skill in beekeeping, allowing you to learn more about your colony's behavior and health. Whether you're watching the hive entrance...

Why We Love The Observation Window on The Keepe...

Enhancing Your Beekeeping Skills through Observation Observation is a crucial skill in beekeeping, allowing you to learn more about your colony's behavior and health. Whether you're watching the hive entrance...

Winter Beehive Colony Size Overwintering Single Brood Chamber Cluster

Winter Hive Space In A Single Brood Chamber

Understanding Winter Hive Space: Colony Size and Hive Configuration As we move into spring, colony population growth is well underway. Between March and June, a hive's bee population can surge...

Winter Hive Space In A Single Brood Chamber

Understanding Winter Hive Space: Colony Size and Hive Configuration As we move into spring, colony population growth is well underway. Between March and June, a hive's bee population can surge...

Single Brood Chamber Beehive Varroa Mites Overwintering Pests SHB Small Hive Beetles Beehive Demaree

Single Brood Chamber Management

Single Brood Chamber Management with the The Keeper's Hive In the world of beekeeping, hive configurations vary, and The Keeper's Hive brings its unique approach with a single 8-frame deep brood...

Single Brood Chamber Management

Single Brood Chamber Management with the The Keeper's Hive In the world of beekeeping, hive configurations vary, and The Keeper's Hive brings its unique approach with a single 8-frame deep brood...

Beehive Honey Super Production Backyard Swarming Single Brood Chamber Honeybee Yield

Let's Talk About Honey! The Role Of Honey Super...

The Role of Honey Supers in Beekeeping Let's dive into the world of honey supers and how they play a crucial role in beekeeping. Bees work diligently, and as a...

Let's Talk About Honey! The Role Of Honey Super...

The Role of Honey Supers in Beekeeping Let's dive into the world of honey supers and how they play a crucial role in beekeeping. Bees work diligently, and as a...

The Keeper's Hive Demaree Method For Swarm Control Prevent Swarming Honey Production Benefits Beginner Backyard Beekeeping Beehive

Options for Preventing Swarming: Splits And The...

Preventing Swarming: A Beekeeper's Guide Welcome to the exciting world of preventing swarming in your bee colonies! As a beekeeper, understanding swarming season and knowing how to avoid it is...

Options for Preventing Swarming: Splits And The...

Preventing Swarming: A Beekeeper's Guide Welcome to the exciting world of preventing swarming in your bee colonies! As a beekeeper, understanding swarming season and knowing how to avoid it is...