An Easier Way To Manage Bees.

The Keeper’s Hive simplifies colony management and reduces stress on both the beekeeper and the bees, making your work more Efficient, Effective, and Enjoyable.

Langstroth, just without the lift.

Our innovative design allows you to access all of the frames in the brood chamber without needing to remove the boxes above. Because the bees are unable to reach the ends of the frames, they can't propolize them in place. This allows users to slide frames out from underneath the supers when necessary. The majority of your inspections and colony management can now happen without any heavy lifting – you can even do it all sitting down. The best part? Our hives are compatible with nearly all of the widely available standard Langstroth components that many beekeepers already own.

See It In Action
George Datto The Keeper's Hive Winterthur Museum Apiary with One Queen Keepers

"Our primary design goals were ease of use and improving colony health. I believe we achieved those goals."

-George Datto, Co-founder

George manages 70 hives at seven apiaries and is President of the Chester County Beekeepers Association in southeastern Pennsylvania.

Learn More About Us
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